10 Commonly Asked Questions I Get Asked

What’s your music library like?

I’ve been in the music business for more than 15 years and passionate about music since I was a kid so my music knowledge and library are extensive. I’m continually adding to my music collection and have something from every genre. If you name a song, there is a 99.9% chance I have it and can cue it up for you.

How would you best describe your mixing style?

In one word, I’d have to say, “malleable.” I enjoy a wide variety of genres and formats. It’s important to me that I choose the right songs for the right event at the right moment. A big focus for me is mixing these songs properly so they flow together and the transitions are seamless.

Can I listen to some of the past weddings you DJed for?

I’m a big proponent for meeting your DJ! I require a face-to-face meeting (in-person or via video call) before I send a contract. If possible, I prefer to have my couples come to an event I am performing at so they can experience my DJing firsthand. You can check out some of my past mixes here.

Do you perform more than one event a day?

Never, each client is my sole focus and will receive my undivided personal attention that day.

Can you recommend some songs for my first dance, father-daughter dance, etc.?

Once I’ve gotten to know your personal style, music preferences, desired energy level and overall vibe of your wedding, I can present some recommendations.

Do you have a go-to list of wedding songs you play?

While there are some songs that have stood the test of time and seem to be universally liked by everyone, I don’t have a list I put on at every wedding. In fact, I don’t plan my sets in advance. I believe the key to a great playlist is balance and knowing when to pivot. It’s impossible to predict when these moments will happen and there’s nothing I love more than the challenge of recognizing them and picking the perfect song.

Can we submit a ‘Do Not Play’ list?

Absolutely, if there is a song you don’t want to hear, I am happy to skip it.

Do you take requests from wedding guests?

This is something we will discuss upfront so I can cater to your preferences. While Aunt Betty might want to hear a certain song, the other guests might not enjoy listening or dancing to her favorite number. I typically don’t incorporate requests into my mixes unless I believe it is a song that will match the mood and keep the energy where it needs to be.

What additional services do you offer?

Many of my clients also use my lighting services. Lighting is an essential element that can elevate the guest experience and enhance the mood of your event. All lights are on dimmers so they can be adjusted throughout the evening.

Are you insured?

Absolutely, safety first!


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