How To Avoid The Biggest Reception Vibe Killer

Want to know the biggest wedding vibe killer and a tip to avoid it?

Regardless of what your photographer tells you, plan to be away from the reception for 45 minutes if you are taking sunset pictures. I know, I know, most timelines only leave 15 minutes. However in my experience, capturing these serene shots always takes longer and ends up delaying the rest of the order of events. While running half an hour behind isn't the worst thing, it can be a total buzzkill for building the momentum of your event.

If you're planning to do first dances and toasts, I always recommend doing them before you sneak out for sunset pictures. That way, guests can begin dancing and the party can get started while you are away. When you re-renter the reception, the energy is already built up and we can easily take the party to the next level.

What I've seen far too many times is that guests converse and dine while the couple is taking sunset pictures. When the couple returns, the guests are ready to get out of their seats and dance. Instead, guests spend another 45 minutes sitting for toasts and first dances.

I frequently see there is plenty of time to do toasts and first dances before sunset pictures. If you can't do both, I suggest doing at least your toasts first. I completely respect that sometimes it is just not possible to follow this advice. If it is though, I promise this will make all of the difference in creating an unforgettable celebration!


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