Three Tips For Booking A DJ

Once you’ve secured your venue, found your dream planner and finalized the catering, it’s time to get to the fun stuff: booking your music and entertainment! If you’re not familiar with what a DJ does, this guide is a great resource. It’s also helpful to familiarize yourself with what you can expect at each price point.

Now that you’re knowledgable about the basics, here are three tips I share with anyone that is booking a DJ...

Tip 1: Know What You Want

There are a lot of DJs out there, and they’ve all got different styles. Take note of things you see at friends’ wedding that you like (or hate). A crucial question to ask yourself: What is important to you? Once you know this, determining the perfect performer will be much easier.

Tip 2: Meet Face To Face

Some DJ companies will tell you they’ll pick the right DJ for you, and you don’t need to meet your DJ. This is great if you don’t care about the music that much or if your wedding is basically the same as everyone else’s. Otherwise, meet your DJ! I recommend seeing them perform at an event so you can grasp their style and vibe. If a DJ you are considering doesn’t offer this option, definitely ask. A DJ single handily controls the mood, energy and flow of your wedding, are you going to trust this huge responsibility to someone that doesn’t want you to experience their talent firsthand?

Tip 3: Trust Your Gut

This is the most important piece of advice. If you listen to anything I say, let it be this: choosing a DJ should be a very intuitive decision. You will need to trust your DJ more than any other vendor you hire. Make sure you’re on the same page about how you want the wedding to feel.


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